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The Order of Victory
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May 05, 2010 00:00
Photo's ID: #2546981
Max image size: 3000x2589


The Order of Victory .The Order of Victory (Russian: Orden Pobedi) was the highest military decoration in the Soviet Union, and one of the rarest orders in the world. The order was awarded only to Generals and Marshals for successfully conducting combat operations involving one or more army groups and resulting in a `successful operation within the framework of one or several fronts resulting in a radical change of the situation in favor of the Red Army.` In its history, it has been awarded twenty times to thirteen Soviet leaders and five foreign leaders, with one revocation.

Author >>> Korobejnikov Dmitry >>>
City >>> Moscow >>>
Country >>> Russia >>>
Category >>> War & Conflicts >>> Wars >>> Soviet Front in World War II >>>

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